
International Sports Studies

Volume 43 No. 2 (2021)

80 Seiten
ISSN 1443-0770
price: 19.00 €

John Saunders
pp: 1-4, 2021-12-15

Health, lifestyle behaviours, and well-being of International Masters field hockey athletes
Karen Croteau, Nina B. Eduljee & Laurie Murphy
pp: 6-26, 2021-12-15

Bridging the gap between sport science and coaching: A qualitative analysis of perceptions of South African coaches
Alliance Kubayi, Yoga Coopoo, Abel Toriola
pp: 27-38, 2021-12-15

Perceptions of their knowledge, practices and competence in sports injury prevention recognition and management by physical education teachers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Luthfi Hidayat, Meirizal, Yudha Mathan Sakti, Yuni Artha Prabowo Putro, Aditya Fuad Robby Triangga, Muhamad Afrizal Farkhan, Bernadeta Fuad Paramita Rahayu, Rahadyan Magetsari
pp: 39-51, 2021-12-15

The process of formation and development of an academic field: the example of sport migration
Jeferson Roberto Rojo, Carlos Henrique de Vasconcellos Ribeiro, Fernando Augusto Starepravo
pp: 52-67, 2021-12-15

Translated Abstracts:


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