International Sports Studies (ISS)

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International Sports Studies

Athletes' perceptions of coaching competency and performance: The mediating role of achievement goals

Shohei Takamatsu, Yasuo Yamaguchi

International Sports Studies 40 No. 1 (2018)     pp: 29-42     2018-10-10
Athletes' perceptions of coaching competency and performance: The mediating role of achievement goals

Stichworte/keywords: coaching competency, achievement goal theory, structural equation modelling, mediation test

Cite: APA    BibTeX

Takamatsu, S., & Yamaguchi, Y. (2018). Athletes' perceptions of coaching competency and performance: The mediating role of achievement goals. International Sports Studies, 40 (1), 29-42. doi:10.30819/iss.40-1.04
doi = {10.30819/iss.40-1.04},
url = {},
year = 2018,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {40},
number = {1},
pages = {29-42},
author = {Shohei Takamatsu, Yasuo Yamaguchi},
title = {Athletes' perceptions of coaching competency and performance: The mediating role of achievement goals},
journal = {International Sports Studies}

Using achievement goal theory, this study was conducted to examine the effect of coaching competency on athletes’ perceptions of performance through athletes’ achievement goals. The role of achievement goals in mediating the relationship between coaching competency and the athletes’ perceptions of performance was also tested. A total of 319 Japanese athletes (266 male and 53 female) completed questionnaires assessing coaching competency, achievement goals, and perceptions of performance. The results revealed that performance-approach goals mediated the relationship between the coaching competency and the perceptions of performance, however the perceptions of performance were negatively influenced by mastery-avoidance goals. Furthermore, the paths from coaching competency to mastery-approach, masteryavoidance, and performance-avoidance goals, and the paths from mastery-approach and performance-avoidance goals to the perceptions of performance were not significant.
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