International Sports Studies (ISS)

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International Sports Studies

Physical Education teachers' self-perceived needs for support in dealing with student heterogeneity in Germany

Ingo Wagner, Fabienne Bartsch, Bettina Rulofs

International Sports Studies 40 No. 1 (2018)     pp: 6-18     2018-10-10
Physical Education teachers' self-perceived needs for support in dealing with student heterogeneity in Germany

Stichworte/keywords: Student heterogeneity, inclusion, inclusive education, Physical Education, teachers' support needs

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Wagner, I., & Bartsch, F., & Rulofs, B. (2018). Physical Education teachers' self-perceived needs for support in dealing with student heterogeneity in Germany. International Sports Studies, 40 (1), 6-18. doi:10.30819/iss.40-1.02
doi = {10.30819/iss.40-1.02},
url = {},
year = 2018,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {40},
number = {1},
pages = {6-18},
author = {Ingo Wagner, Fabienne Bartsch, Bettina Rulofs},
title = {Physical Education teachers' self-perceived needs for support in dealing with student heterogeneity in Germany},
journal = {International Sports Studies}

One goal of the project "Schulsport2020", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is to support Physical Education teachers and teacher trainees in dealing with the heterogeneity of students and promoting inclusion in physical education. The support needs of physical education teachers for this task were systematically surveyed in an interview study with physical education teachers from various types of schools in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and supplemented by data from a questionnaire survey. The results show a concern with resource requirements, especially for increased staffing, but also time, finances and materials. Furthermore, a strong emphasis was identified on the need for knowledge of special education in general as well as of student needs in the emotional-social and physical domains. Physical Education teachers also mentioned a need for knowledge in the topics of differentiated learning, grading and the backgrounds of refugee students.
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(D) = innerhalb Deutschlands
(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands

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