
International Sports Studies

Volume 41 No. 2 (2019)

98 Seiten
ISSN 1443-0770
price: 19.00 €


John Saunders
pp: 1-4, 2020-02-12

Small sided games: a scoping review of literature 2006-2016
Shane Pill, Deboraha Agnew
pp: 5-31, 2020-02-12

Developments in elite level Thai boxing in Belgium: has there been a civilising influence?
Joannes Van Gestel
pp: 32-54, 2020-02-12

Intellectual capital, the key to success in the management of high-performance sport organisations: the case of Iran’s Ministry of Sport and Youth
Hossein Abdolmaleki, Fatemeh Heidari, Seyed Bahador Zakizadeh, Veerle De Bosscher
pp: 55-68, 2020-02-12

An archaeological analysis to trace the emergence and transformation of qualified physical education teachers in Singapore primary schools
Ho Jin Chung, Muhammad Sufri, Chee Keng John Wang
pp: 69-84, 2020-02-12


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