
Cruise Tourism & Innovation. Improving passengers' experiences and safety

Alexis Papathanassis, Michael H. Breitner, Ate de Groot (Hrsg.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-3687-9
278 pages, year of publication: 2014
price: 42.00 €
Cruise Tourism & Innovation. Improving passengers' experiences and safety
Innovation management is arguably essential for the profitability and growth sustainability of the cruise industry; as it is for most areas of business endeavour. Now, more than ever, the cruise sector is faced with significant challenges, including: safety and industry reputation in the aftermath of the Costa Concordia disaster, al larger competitive scope and diminishing profit margins.

Given that innovation management can be perceived as a management attitude and cultural habit, fostering inspiration is just as relevant as delivering innovation methodologies and guidelines. On this basis, the aim of this combined conference proceedings is to provide a creativity impulse and to illustrate the breadth and potential of innovation management in the cruise sector. Sources on inspiration include: mobile information and communication technologies, multimedia, and the internet and focus on areas as diverse as safety, aesthetics, culture and professional education.

cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
Table of contents (PDF)


  • Cruise
  • Tourism
  • Innovation
  • Security
  • Safety


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