
Utilisation of Research in South Africa's Research Institutes

Leisl Joanne Neskakis

ISBN 978-3-8325-3221-5
117 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Preis: 37.50 €
Utilisation of Research in South Africa's Research Institutes
The overarching aim of this study is to analyse what researchers in South African higher education institutes and science councils mean by the term 'utilisation' - i.e. what do researchers mean when they indicate that their research findings are being utilised. The data used to conduct this analysis is taken from a national survey, conducted for the purpose of establishing the extent to which research finding in South Africa are utilised. The author played an active role in this survey component of the research conducted for the South African National Advisory Committee on Innovation (NACI).

The study also covers the specific dynamics of the utilisation process: How does research utilisation occur and what are the key variables in this process? In answering this question, the author discusses five prominent models of knowledge utilisation that have been put forward over the past three decades: The Two-Communities theory of Norman Caplan (1979); The three models of policy research of Carol Weiss (1991); The Triple Helix model of Henry Etzkowitz and Loet Leydesdorff (1996); The three policy paradigms of Barry Bozeman (1994); and The Contingency Effectiveness model of Technology Transfer (CETT) of Barry Bozeman (2000).

cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
  • Knowledge utilization; Mode 1; Mode 2
  • models of policy utilization
  • Two-Communities theory
  • Triple Helix
  • Contingency Effectiveness model of Technology Transfer


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